Equipping and Resourcing Church Leaders and Teams

Re:Sourced is a programme of sessions bringing together inspirational speakers on a range of relevant topics each month. TPT aim to equip and resource Church & Ministry Leaders to enhance existing work within their local communities.

Each session will include an informal presentation, general discussion, time for Q&A's and takeaway resources. There will also be refreshments throughout and a brief opportunity to catch up with other church leaders from across the city.

APRIL 24: Connecting Churches and Communities Event

APRIL 24: Connecting Churches and Communities

Many churches joined us for the day and valued discussing issues around the needs of their communities and their church's social action. Church leaders shared openly their successes and challenges. There was a willingness to collaborate with other churches to address issues of poverty. We heard about the new Hygiene Hub being hosted by Vineyard at 93 Cornwall Street, a joint endeavour between St Andrews, All Saints, Vineyard and St Peters - all churches based in the city centre.

It was agreed to meet again for another Connecting Churches and Communities gathering for more input and strategy in the Autumn. Watch this space!

MARCH 24: Intoduction to Trauma Informed Practice

We heard from Vicky Brooks about the Plymouth Trauma Informed Network and the key themes of the Trauma Informed Approach. We learnt about the adverse health and deprivation affecting people who have experienced trauma. How it is widespread and how to identify this in peoples lives.

It was very informative. How the use of language maybe contributing to the shame and silence of those effected by trauma. How the places/communities we create, and a listening ear, really does help people belong and move towards healing.

So please do be encouraged to continue the important roles you play.

Here is her powerpoint presentation and a couple of interesting links Vicky mentioned

Drop the disorder https://www.adisorder4everyone.com/

The myth of normal https://drgabormate.com/book/the-myth-of-normal/

Trauma Informed Plymouth Network was established in 2018.

Its ambition is for Plymouth to be a trauma-informed city. For all environments where people live, work and seek help in Plymouth to become a safer and kinder place, where the impact of trauma and adversity is both recognised and responded to with sensitivity and compassion.

Vicky Brooks Network Coordinator, will expand on how trauma shows up in people and the role of shame, the key themes of the Trauma Informed Approach, and how this could be used in the context of church and mission.

JANUARY 2024: Growing Good

The Growing Good Toolkit from Church Urban Fund, is a free course based on the GRA:CE project which studied the connections between social action, discipleship and church growth.

The Growing Good Toolkit is relevant to all church denominations. It features:

• Six easy to use, flexible and interactive sessions.

• A holistic model of church growth: numerical, spiritual, relational

• A framework for mission planning: practical tools and ideas for growing new connections and making a difference.

• Activities that will build the confidence of your church members to grow new connections and make a difference in your community.

How and Why to use the Toolkit is your churches

CHURCH URBAN FUND WEBINAR: Recruiting, Managing & Retaining Volunteers

FREE WEBINAR Book Here - Recruiting, Managing & Retaining Volunteers - Wednesday 22nd November 2023

OCTOBER: Understanding Benefits

Jason Creed and Lynne McBain from the Plymouth Jobcentre Advisory Team DWP gave an overview of DWP Benefits and also an understanding of the support the DWP can offer to vulnerable people. It was a highly informative session for all, understanding how and where to signpost people, and eligibility for benefits.

They were grateful to have the opportunity to share this information and network with us, as people who are able to disseminate what benefits are available for people we serve in our communities and organisations.

This event had up to date information and so was unable to be filmed. The powerpoints can be accessed here but be aware that the .gov websites will be hold the most up to date information.

SEPTEMBER: Dementia Memory Matters


Shania James, Wellbeing Manager with Memory Matters presented a synopsis of dementia, what it is, how it affects people and how to support those living with dementia. It was an highly informative, bringing insight, and language to how best to interact with people, and create dementia friendly spaces.

CHURCH URBAN FUND WEBINAR: Resilience for Church Leaders and Volunteers


JUNE: Food Poverty & Resilience

TPT's Food Security Worker, John Williams, delivered an excellent presentation outlining Plymouth's current food aid provision, the limitations in food supply, the increase in need for sustainable and dignified food support options and the way in which churches might collaborate together to offer an appropriate response. John was joined by Kelly Fritzsche, Cooperative Food Coordinator, who was able to share details of a number of exciting pilot programmes that are underway in Plymouth, and also Rachel Silcock, Plymouth City Council's Community Empowerment Operational Lead & Commissioner, who contributed via a pre-recorded video which explained the current city strategy in the area of food aid.

We were grateful to Andrew Denham who, as the Plymouth Foodbank Manager, communicated the current food donation difficulties they are experiencing and underlined the recent Trussell Trust research which John had shared.

MAY: Understanding Addiction

Mark Bignell, CEO of Hamoaze House, expressed his views and experience of working with people who have a problematic relationship with alcohol and other substances. This excellent presentation highlighted many of the issues and pitfalls with addiction and the importance of authentic relationships. Mark also shared some of the great work happening at Hamoaze House and across the services in the Plymouth Alliance.

Dr Gabor Mate has produced a video explaining addiction which Mark suggested might provide an understanding of life with addictions which is available below for anyone who would like to catch up. Please note that the images and language with in the film could be triggering and may not be suitable for all.

APRIL: Common Sense Comms

Hannah Fleming-Hill of FH Digital presented ideas of how and why churches should consider digital media as a positive way to reach new communities. The session included tips and ideas to help with this and an overview on different types of social media platforms. TPT intend to offer follow up sessions on different types of digital media for churches in response to how well received Hannah's talk was.

MARCH: Mental Health

The Kintsugi Hope team from Plymouth Christian Centre offered a fantastic insight into the Kintsugi Hope Wellbeing Course that churches might consider running to support existing and new church members, and also the wider community. We were able to hear from 3 KH leaders and also someone who had attended the course and the way he had found it beneficial. Please contact TPT if you would like to find out more about this excellent church resource.

FEBRUARY: Slavery & Exploitation

Transforming Plymouth, Caritas and Diocese of Exeter collaborated to bring expert speakers to explain the risks and realities of modern slavery & exploitation in Devon right now. The Clewer Initiative were able to share details about their work and made resources available to signpost people to help. The British Red Cross outlined the vulnerabilities of refugees and asylum seekers being exploited and D&C Police gave statistics and (anonymous) details of significant cases they had recent involvement with in Plymouth and Devon.

For ideas and resource to get involved or learn about Modern Slavery more visit: